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The OHDS Logo Purpose

From the OHDS Constitution

  1. To create a sense of community; to help make neighborhood life secure and comfortable; to establish an atmosphere in which to live, work and recreate ourselves. To reaffirm the nineteenth century qualities of self-reliance and independent action, couple with interdependent cooperation for civic attainment, that the pioneer families displayed while establishing and perpetuation the Oregon neighborhood of Dayton, Ohio.
  2. To represent and advocate before appropriate governing bodies, the interest of residents of the Oregon Historic District, as such area is defined in the Historic Zoning Ordinances of the city of Dayton, and/or recognized by placement on the National Register of Historical Places by the Interior Department of the government of the United States of America; to act on behalf of such residents and other interested persons for the enhancement and preservation of the area; to encourage others to do likewise; and to promote interest in the restoration, rehabilitation and appreciation of historic, aesthetic and human advantages of the area.
  3. To act as the catalyst for the rekindling of civic pride; the strengthening of neighborhood ties; and the improvement of city services, by drawing public attention to the beauty and utility of the area's rich architectural heritage.
  4. To cooperate with, and wherever possible, further the aims and goals of individuals and organizations with similar objectives.
  5. To adopt a Constitution and Code of Regulations in conformity to the non-profit corporation laws of Ohio, and to do all other acts necessary, proper, and permissible under the laws of Ohio.